
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sold Out

"Come on, this way. I saw the two of them use this path not too long ago."

He calls out to the three as they walk in the darkness, the only source of light a sliver of moon. It seemed curious that he knew his way around this place so easily, that he was able to easily spot two forms moving in the near total darkness, to track them so easily even with a torch that he could afford to wait on three people that were having a difficult time at best scaling a very steep incline.

It felt like they were climbing a mountain, when, in-fact, it was but a very large hill.

Finally, they lumbered up to the top, and took a moment to rest. But it was a moment too long for their Tactician, he was already going on about the next step in this little mission;

"She was leading him here to this valley, you see. As steep as the climb was, it'll be just as steep going down, to the floor. At the bottom is a rather large building, and there's a source of flowing water nearby. If I had to guess, I'd say it's the fabled Water Temple... a perfect place to hide away in. After all, who would expect a viper to nest in a temple full of water?

But enough talk... let's go. We have much ground to cover."

He set off with the three in tow. They followed him with such trust, with no fear of his leading them into a trap. But then, he'd done nothing to lead them to mistrust him all these months, it was through him that they lived this long, though so many battles. It was a little odd that it were just the three of them, and not the others, though... but all a part of his plan, they're sure.

"I see that my trust in you was not misplaced, Tactician."

"Fools. You were so trusting, so blind to the truth. You never thought that I would betray you. Why would you? I earned your trust so completely, I tricked you all into letting me into your lives... to take control of you, like you were mere puppets! Now you see, little Lordings, the folly of allowing such a thing to happen.

It truly is a shame you'll not live to fully learn from this. I would like to wish you a fairly quick and painless death, but knowing you, you'll fight a futile battle for your lives against a horde far more numerous than yourselves."

It was a curious feeling, his body being moved from one place to another via magic. He'd never had the whole of his existence scooped up by a magic and transported to another place, who knows how far away in a matter of moments. He wasn't even sure if he was even capable of thought, it happened so quickly and so suddenly that he didn't have the chance to consider thinking about something to see if his mind shut down in those few moments.

So busy in thought, so deep in wonder if he would have actually thought about thinking about something to see if he could think mid transport that he didn't even bother to look around, to take in the place he ended up, let alone where his mistress had ended up. Now did he hear the subtle background noises; a small clicking sound, as if a latch had been opened, and a gentle fwoosh, akin to the sound of fabric falling to the floor.

Of course, that all changed when a pair of hands were placed on his cheeks, then pulled his head forward. Before he knew it, his face was pressed between two large, warm, soft mounds of flesh.

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